Copyright © God Over Me Apparel 

God Over Me Apparel is the official clothing line for Christian Hip Hop Hits Just as Hard. Our Christian Apparel brand is based off of Proverbs 3:6 - In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. We strive to bring conversation starters at affordable prices.

"Matt Bold aka Gods M80"

Thousands Of Prisoners Accepted Jesus When Former Criminal Preached


The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.
Zechariah 9:16

Seeing thousands of people coming back in the Father’s arms is one of the best feeling ever. God wanted His children to come home because He loves us so much, He let His Son Jesus take the blame for us to be saved. Just like how he redeemed these people. Indeed, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Watch and be inspired by the power of God’s love and salvation.